Saturday, May 22, 2010


We are two crazy sisters that decided after looking around at a few of the craft blogs that hey....we could do the same thing. The only problem is that although we love projects we rarely finish anything. We have a lot of great ideas...but seldom follow through with them. We are pretty creative, but never have time to create anything. So we figured that maybe if we started a blog we would actually finish something so we could display it here and show everyone that yes we do finish a few things we start, and that yes we do have a few good ideas now and than.

A few things about us.....

We live 20 minutes apart from each other, but of course spend half our time either talking on the phone with one another or hanging out together.

We both love music and dancing. We actually used to be pretty good at both, but now according to our kids we are just goofy!

We are both full-time moms, and openly admit it is very difficult to say that we love every minute of it. No....we do love it, but children are definitely trying at times. Heidi has the girls...2 beautiful blue-eyed blond haired drama queens ha ha. Kimmie has the boys...3 of them stinky, sweaty, sports addicts!!

We both love to bake especially when we are angry, sad, depressed, bored, happy...o wait that pretty much covers all of our emotions so guess we should just say we love to bake all the time!! This is not a good thing because we love the cookie dough and usually end up getting sick after eating so much of it.

Heidi's the cook. If there is ever a recipe she suggests on here...TRY IT. It will be worth it.

Kimmie's the cheesy party planner. She loves parties, any kind of party...birthday, kids slumber party, summer bbq's, holiday parties, you name she loves it and loves to plan them. She will post some of her party ideas as she has them.

Why the name dandelion ask??? Well, we just love old crap! We love to raid the d.i., thrift stores, yard sales, trash cans (ha ha just kiddin) to find things to fix up, beat up, paint, sand, and restore. We sale some of it so watch for a few items on here, but mostly we just use it to decorate our homes.

Oh and don't let me leave out the master crafter not yet mentioned on this blog. Our mother...who in our honest opinion should open a craft store in her basement. She isn't so much into "old crap" as we are, but she still has some good ideas up her sleeve. She puts up with a lot from us girls. We don't typically craft at our own homes. We usually raid her craft room so we can have all the necessities on hand. Our dad wonders why we don't just move back in we are here so often. Cindy (the mom...) loves to crochet ALL the time! She crochets dishcloths, head bands, blankets, scarves, etc. She also scrapbooks, quilts, and attempts sewing (but not without the occasional vulgarity!) Oh and here's the kicker...she works at a craft store a mile from her house! Which is very, very, very handy.

So there you have it. This is us in a nutshell. Enjoy the blog....cause we sure hate trying to post things on it!!

1 comment:

  1. I love it! I'm excited to be inspired by my two craftiest cousins!
